School hike to Rogla

INTRODUCTION The main purpose of this report is to highlight the main activities of the last day of the four-day-long school trip that ended with a hike to Rogla which was organized by the CŠOD Gorenje. It focuses on the purpose and organisation of the trip and...

How to help save our planet in five steps!

Something is wrong with our planet Earth and in my opinion, teenagers do not understand how serious it is. Although it has not been established conclusively, global warming is putting us all at risk. The real question is whether or not we are willing to take action—so...

Fitnes vlog

Tu si lahko ogledate moj vlog, ki sem ga naredil pri ITS-angleščina pod mentorstvom Tine Mulec. V vlogu vam na kratko predstavim kako jaz treniram prsa, triceps in ramena, zraven vam pa še povem nekaj o teh mišičnih skupinah, prehrani in...