
Dishes Here I am going to present some of the best dishes to lose or gain weight, while simultaneously gaining as much muscle mass as possible and as little fat as possible.   Dishes for gaining body mass Macaroni with tuna Cook 150 grams of macaroni and then mix...

Fitnes vlog

Tu si lahko ogledate moj vlog, ki sem ga naredil pri ITS-angleščina pod mentorstvom Tine Mulec. V vlogu vam na kratko predstavim kako jaz treniram prsa, triceps in ramena, zraven vam pa še povem nekaj o teh mišičnih skupinah, prehrani in...


Deadlift is my favorite exercise because it is the best way to exercise your whole body, it gives you the opportunity to train back, legs and arms with only one exercise. Deadlift is an exercise in which you lift heavy weights off the ground, it is like picking up...